On Buying the Same Book Again and Again

On a recent visit to Strand Books, down in the memoir section where I was looking for Arthur Miller’s Timebends, something caught my eye: a book I have owned and loved and recommended for years.

Come to the Edge by Christina Haag - at Strand BooksThere were three physical copies of Christina Haag’s Come to the Edge in our apartment already. My own is personally signed to me by its author; I bought one for my flatmate’s last birthday; the third is because on my first attempt at buying this present, I was sent one with a minor coffee stain on the pages. My flatmate might not have minded: she’s a dog-earer; that’s how she expresses her love of books. It is not, however, how I express mine. And this book deserves better than that. I got her a new one, but kept the old one for – well, I’m not sure what for, exactly.


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